Client: Danish Design Makers
Event branding, editorial & exhibition design
Danish Design Makers is an alliance of Scandinavian designers who showcase their collective works through global design fairs and trade shows. Since 2016, we’ve helped them tell their story and establish a presence in the design world through print, digital and exhibition communications. 
Jeg har endnu ikke hørt ham sige ”det kan ikke lade sig gøre” eller ”det kan vi ikke nå”. Jeg sætter rigtigt stort pris på Graeme's ideer, når vi taler om projektet der skal laves, er han hurtig til at komme med ideer og løsningsforslag. Han lytter samtidig til krav specifikationerne og får det hele til at gå op.

Thomas Albertsen
Medstifter, Danish Design Makers
In collaboration with
Photography: Kristine Funch, Emilia Therese / Exhibition design: Clinton Stewart, Rasha Sager / Project coordination: Thomas Albertsen, Antonio Scaffidi, Evalou Hauge / Print: KOPA printing house